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In Modesty Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as; our company) provides and builds the personal information protection policy and system as below, and ensure the protection of important personal information of our customers to all of our employees.
Our company keeps the customers personal information correct and updated, and maintain the security system, control the management system, and implement the necessary and appropriate measures to employees to ensure the prevention of unauthorized access, loss of, damage, falsification, or leaks. We also implement the safety measure to manage and handle the personal information properly.
Our company defines the purposes of use of personal information to the extent necessary to conduct business activities such as sending Emails or information and replying back to our clients when we receive inquiries.
Our company handles customers personal information properly and does not provide personal information to any third parties except in the following cases:
Our company shall implement the necessary and appropriate measures to ensure the accuracy and achieve safety to keep the best security system for personal information.
Our company will make inquiries, correct, or delete the client's own personal information if self-disclosure of information from the customer is requested. In that case, we confirm of identity of that person and take an action what our customers requests.
Our company complies with the Japanese laws, and other standards for customers personal information. We will implement the plan and continue to improve our policies.
In case you would like to make an inquiry on our privacy policy, please contact below.
モデスティ株式会社 Email:sales@mpkbb.com
Modesty Co., Ltd. Email:sales@mpkbb.com
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